Friday ‘Me’

You walk, you mingle in the crowd, attentive to words, sounds, attitudes, but you still remain a little apart, watching. Nothing, or very little, showed that it was worth it to linger. Years go by and nothing changes. They all revet, still this mask of illusion and lies. Some bits sometimes pass through suggesting truths, sometimes so far from this virtuality so real. It’s funny and sad at the same time to feel obliged to be what we are not.
And when the mask falls, almost mandatory… for safety reasons, then we are surprised about what we discover. The hope reborn. It grows a feeling forgotten. We do not dare to believe it.
And when your thoughts get lost, you find yourself smiling. Your eyes are not the same, your touch is more sensitive. Around you, the dimension is not the same. However … The experience is the same, full with nothing, full for everything. Experience leads to nowhere.
The experience that’s life, it builds us.

I’m not a historian, that does not mean I do not know anything about history.
I’m not a baker, that does not mean I can not do bread.
I’m not a musician, it does not mean I do not know anything about music.
I’m not in love, it does not mean I do not know anything about love.
I am what I am, my strengths and my weaknesses, my experiences and my defeats.
I’m a writer, it means that I love words, those shared with others.
My words are faithful to me, I love them because they know come creeping into my head and put on paper to express what I feel.
I am human, that means I make mistakes and I have the opportunity to learn from them.
I am human, this means that such errors, I would do it again and again, at vitam aeternam.

I smile to life, I enriched  myself from what it offers me. It gives me strength and energy. It inspires and feeds me.
But at least, I am …


© Sylvie Ginestet
Author of ‘The Quest’ & ‘La Recouvrance’
Ebook :
Le Miracle :
La Recouvrance :
The Quest :
Paperbook :

My first pleasure is to write…
The second one is that you read my work and that you get as much pleasure as I do…
Then we could say that it’s a victory!

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